Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Yoga and Astrology

Yoga and Astrology

Yoga and the Zodiac Signs

We are almost into the 3rd month of starting my new Moon Harmony Membership and Im super excited to dive Into the topic you voted for, Yoga and Astrology. You have have read my previous post about the reasons for the name of my business, Moon Harmony, if not, you can read it here:

Im stepping into new land here and I had to use multiple ressources to get to a point where I felt comfortable writing about this topic. The resources can be found at the end of this post. The topic is really broad, out I picked out some of the areas of most interest and I hope you like it.

For the next weeks, Im going to dive into the Zodiac Sign and what Yoga poses that are good for each sign. This doesn’t mean if you are Aries and there is Yoga for the cancer sign, that you can’t practice it, no. You can practice all of them. The Zodiac Sign all has a connection to the Chakras and specific areas in the body. Just like they all have their own color, elements, planet ruler… I will start simple, what Zodiac Sign is aligned with the chakras.

Crown chakra: Aquarius

3rd Eye chakra: Sagittarius, Pisces

Throat chakra: Gemini, Virgo

Heart chakra: Taurus, Libra

Solar Plexus Chakra: Aries, Leo

Sacral Chakra: Cancer, scorpio

Root Chakra: Capricorn

With this knowledge it makes it easier, I think to find the way to which yoga poses is best for each sign. Im going to start from the first sign, which is lucky also my own sign, and on top of that it is my sun sign.

We all have a Zodiac Sign, a rising sign, a Sun sign and a Moon sign. To find these you will need your birth time, place and date. If you have all of this information, you can do a simple search on google to find your signs. You can learn quite a bit about yourself when you look this up.

About the Yoga poses. Think about the chakras again and what they represent, you might see that it is all connected.

Aries: for the first sig of the Zodiac Wheel we have the fiery Aries, the Aries animal is the RAM and one of the best poses for the Aries is the Warrior 2 pose. Staying steady and strong, building the stamina and strength is this pose. Want to tone it down a bit, try it with the back knee down to the ground or even with support from a chair.

Taurus: next we bring in the element of the earth, with the Zodiac Sign Taurus. Bringing the body down to the ground, seated in a sukhasana or the cow face pose. The personality of the Taurus is intelligent, dependable, hardworking and stubborn. They are able to stay and see things from a more grounded perspective.

Gemini: with Gemini is the air element and the Eagle pose, a pose that opens the shoulder, but can be a little difficult to do for some people. Check the pictures out for alternatives. The Gemini has the personality of being flexible, extroverted and clever. They are never boring to be around. They are social butterflies, and their biggest fear would be not to be included.

This is just a tiny little look at what pose(s) that can benefit the Zodiac signs… There is so much more to learn and next week Im going to continue the journey of each of the Zodiac Sign…

As you can see the elements are brought into each Zodiac Sign also and for me it has been extremely fun and a challenge to figure out how they all come together. If you want t learn more and try Yoga combined with your Zodiac Sign and meditations with the Moon, this is the month to explore this with me here in the membership of Moon Harmony Yogis.

I would love to see you.

Love and Light


Ressources: Moonology by Yasmin Boland. Yoga by the stars by Jilly Shipway. Lifestyle Yoga and Astrology with Sirena Dugeon. Astro yoga by Emily Ridout

Astrology and yoga part 2

Astrology and yoga part 2

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