Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Astrology and yoga part 2

Astrology and yoga part 2

This post will go a little deeper into the 3 next zodiac signs, cancer, Leo and virgo.

The first sign is caner. Cancer, is the crab and is a water sign, ruled by the moon. Cancer is known for being the sign for nourishment and protection. The energy is taking inward, with this sign we can learn to take care of our own home, and find the way to feel comfortable within. Cancer rules the heart and chest, it is also associated with the sacral chakra. Cancer season can feel a bit overwhelming, if you are an air sign or a earth sign, you might feel this even more. The yoga poses will be to nurture yourself, so you can arrive and feel like you are coming home to yourself. Besides Yoga, you can bring in affirmations during your asana/meditation practice: here is one suggestion: I am home within my body. Or just I am home. The poses to nurture yourself, supine twist, childspose, forward fold. Enjoy staying in the poses for a longer period of time, then you normally would do.

Next we have Leo, when I think about the Leo sign, I think of a big Roar and feeling confidence. This sign is ruled by the sign and it is fierce, with Yoga yoga can discover your inner Leo with the Lions Breath. Yoga for Leo would be more playful, like vinyasa and poses to built strength. Vinyasas builds heat and with heat, the blood flows around in the body, creating space for new energy. A theme could be: empowerment. Creating dynamic and movement for the body, making yourself play with Yoga and explore your inner power and strength. Sun salutations and warrior poses are some of my suggestions for asana practice.

The last Zodiac sign for this post, is Virgo. Virgos is ruled by Mercury and is an earthy sign. Here we are going to explore the authentic self. The symbol represents purity. Regular practice of yoga and meditation, can help you out of the hamster wheel and guide you towards finding out who you really are within. The word yoga, derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj” and it refers to “join”, “the yoke” or to “unite” it can be seen as creating that union of mind, body and soul. The Vigo also loves the details, it is known for being perfectionistic. The practice for a Virgo can be poses that are slower, to take the time to refine the details and the feeling of being in the pose. Moving slow, allows the body to connect with everything that might come up. A lot of poses comes to my mind, next time you practice a sequence, try to slow down to discover and harvest the fruits of your yoga practice. Like a grounded, slow salutation, where you imagine yourself flowing through water, or sand, to slow your self down. Maybe try to take a pause in between poses, to feel the effect from one side to the other.

Astrology and Yoga, was a bigger journey, then I thought. It demands a lot of studying, but it is so interesting. The plan I had for posting yoga for the different Zodiac sign, was longer in the process. But I rather be able to stand in for what I write down, then rush through this post. In the long run, my plan is to create smaller sequences within the Moon Harmony membership, if you are interested, you can become a member here:

Next post will be about Libra, Scorpio and sagitattarijs.

Love and light


If you are curious and want to read about the first 3 sign:

Pictures are by: Sandra Angelina photography

Working deeply with trauma...

Working deeply with trauma...

Yoga and Astrology

Yoga and Astrology