Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

What type of Empath am I?

What type of Empath am I?

Let's dive into this topic. When I learned that I was an empath I thought, this was it, I didn’t think about other types, with learning about this, everything made a lot more sense to me in my practice as a Reiki master and also just as a human being. Yes you can be more then one type.

The first type of intuition you might have is

Clairvoyance, this is the gift of seeing images. You might have to rethink Clairvoyance if you have the impression, that it is actually seeing people. ( yes you might think of that movie with the quote: “I see dead people”) It might be something different for you, it might come in different ways, like an image. It can also be being a scene in your mind. For me, I often get symbols, it can be a triangle, a pyramid, a specific flower, a ring or any symbol that might not make sense for me in the actual moment, but later it will. The symbol can be a metaphor for something else, this takes time to find out what a specific symbols means for you. For me the gumbo, of a triangle has something to do with the 3rd eye and intuition. If I see water, it might be something with the persons circulation or that the person need to be in the water, go with the flow or just drink more water.

Like any other “clair” this can be trained, first you might not have this specific intuition, but with time, this can become stronger, one way is to practice and write things down that comes into your mind, they may be intuitive messages,

My strongest intuition is


This might appear like someone is taking to you in your mind, like hearing a voice. The voice isn’t hard or mean in any way. It is like a gentle, even and calm.

One way you can experience this is, you hear a sentence, a word or a number. At first it might be difficult to separate the “clairs”, with time it gets more clear and you might have doubts about what is strongest for you.

Don’t worry, you got this and with time, you will know.

You might also hear a clear YES or a very clear NO… This is your intuition “talking to you. You might feel this from the heart or from the gut, it is all a part of your amazing abilities as being an empath.


Hmm, what? This might be a new one for you. Guess what, it was for me too.

This is the most common if the “Clairs” It is that gut feeling and the feeling when you step into a room, someone just had a fight and you feel it. It is also called the collective energy sensation.

Have you ever felt this?

I have clearly felt this many time, in fact this is so strong with me, that when I see someone fall, I feel pain in my body. This is something I really work on getting better at to manage, because it creates a tiny stress reaction in my body also and it can be really hard to shake off again. Yes, shake if off, is actually a thing. When it gets bad for me, I put on the song: shake it off by Taylor Swift. It works, every time…. So shake it off if you need it…

This is not only feeling pain and bad stuff, don’t get me wrong. Because this is also the gift of feeling someone elses bubbly energy of happiness. We have mirror neorons in your brains and we often want to mimic others, so when someone is running towards us in pure happiness with a huge smile, so happy to see you, you probably just want to give that person a huge hug and smile back? It is so rare that we do the oppersite. Or the baby smiling to you from the stroller, we smile back… You are probably smiling and thinking back on some memories you have, I know I am.

Again, to develop and grow this superpower, write it down, maybe devote a journal to document and after a couple of weeks/months, you can see how many messages you get during the day, night, weeks


This is the “knowing”, and it is described in so many ways. My favorite is that it is the intuitive ability to “download” information in seconds. This comes just like you are downloading information on your computer and you just know. How is it different from feeling something you might think, it is different and the same, because you might not know right away what is what.

In a world where we are also driving by so many outer stimuli, it might be difficult to listen or to know what is what. Here your inner practice is important, find peace in meditation, writing a journal, being in nature or maybe even try Yin yoga…

Next week I will talk about how you can use your superpowers and become better at recharging as an empath

Love and Light


The Empowered Empath...

The Empowered Empath...

Are you an empath?

Are you an empath?