Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

The Empowered Empath...

The Empowered Empath...

Getting to know yourself better, you are the SUPER POWERED EMPATH

Being very Empathic can be a challenge for many people and you might feel overwhelmed each and every day from all the inputs you get from the outside world, like watching the news, driving in rush hour traffic, getting into a difficult conversation, the weather pressure might effect you, the cycle of the moon and the planets. As you can read, so many things can effect an Empath.

When you know and have found out what kind of special skills you have with you in life. You might have found that more people are like you, you can slowly start to embrace your skills and learn how to tune in, learn how to set your boundaries and with that live a more balanced life.

One of the most common thing for Empaths are that they tend to have a very difficult time setting a boundary. There is many ways you can set boundaries, so you will have to explore a little to find the right way for you. I will bring a few techniques up that might be helpful for you and you can try them out.

The first one I use, I use this in Reiki sessions, but also when I feel overwhelmed is the sentence: What is yours, is yours. What is mine, is mine.

I do this with my hands out in front of my body, I start with making a circle with both hands outwards, repeating inside my head, what is yours, is yours and then I reverse the circle, turning in, repeating inside myself, what is mine, is mine.

This has probably been one of the most effective ways for me to separate energy from the other person from mine. I use this in my everyday life, and I actively take a step back when I do this, to step out of the other persons energy field.

Then I use “dry” washing. This might sound weird, but this has also been very helpful to me, to “wash” of other peoples energy off. This is also something I have learned with Reiki and I find it very helpful. I take a step back from the person and I take one hand to the top of the other shoulder and run the hand down the arm. I repeat this with the other arm and repeat this several times, until I feel the energy is “washed” off. If the energy has been heavy, it can help to shake the hands or even the whole body. Try it out and see what works best for you.

Grounding, phew, this can feel so good when you have had a busy day and you need to get back to your center. This can be done in many ways. One way is to shut off all social media, the news, the TV, maybe find a quiet space in your house and just practice breathing. It can be 5-10 minutes to refocus, breathe and recharge, but it can create the peace you need to go out into the world again. For other people it can be to go out in nature, to take steps on the ground in bare feet. It can be to make your favorite food and sit in silence, enjoying the taste, smell and texture of the food. Or you can even just lay down on the ground (doesn’t need to be outside) and imagine that you are being held by the earth.

Saying no! Yes, this is a tough one. Saying no might be the hardest thing for an Empath to do. Say YES to the good stuff and then we also have to learn the NO! You probably already know when your solar plexus is turning upside down and you know you should say know, but you really don’t want the trouble of saying no, so you say yes… In that moment, you try to please the other person, it might feel better just to say yes, make the person happy, BUT you are set to become overwhelmed, because you do this ALL THE TIME. It is time to claim your NO better and honor your right to say no. It might feel terrible the first time, the second and maybe the 10th time, in the long run, you will learn so much about yourself and how to get that power back.

These are all techniques I have used in my every day life and they have worked wonders for my energy and gaining my empowered self back. Learning your boundaries can bring your back to balance and harmony in your life, the more you practice the better you get.

Love and Light


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