Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Are you an empath?

Are you an empath?

How do you know that you are an empath?

It is one of my most asked questions I get from my students. For the next couple of weeks, this is a topic I will dive into deeper. I will share resources and some simple guidelines for you to try at home to see if it makes a difference.

You might have heard it before, you probably feel it doing your everyday life. From the moment you step into a room, you feel the energy from other people. You get that “gut” feeling, if somethings is good or when something is bad.

Maybe you have heard the word empath before and no this isn’t a diagnoses, but it a word that can explain ALOT in the way you feel, the way you experience and see the world. PLUS it can help and guide you towards some tools to make your life easier.

Empaths are more sensitive to energy. They sense the collective energy, from many different places, this can be from walking into a grocery store, from a busy city, from changes in the environment, from the cycles for the moon, the sun, planets in retrograde. THEY feel it much more intense than people who are not empaths.

This results in that they get more tired and feel drained easy. Can you relate to any of this? If yes, maybe you are an empath.

When I moved to Colorado, I had heard about being an empath. I started looking more into it and YES I am differently an empath. At first I was a little discouraged by this fact, but after some time, I discovered that Empaths has a lot of superpowers. When you learn who YOU are and what kind of empath you are, you will discover how to live with this power and the most important thing, to recharge.

It’s one of my most asked questions I get from my students. And for the next couple of weeks, this is a topic I will dive into deeper. I will share resources and some simple guidelines for you to try at home to see if it makes a difference.

Here is a couple of questions you can answer yes or no to

  1. Do you often feel overwhelmed, drained, tired after being in a group or room with alot of people?

  2. Are you easy effected my stimulants, like caffeine?

  3. Do you feel pain in your body, when someone else is hurt?

  4. Do you feel the cycles of the moon, the changes in weather?

  5. Do you often have a strong intuitive sensation, this can show in many different ways, like feeling emotions, energies, having a strong inner voice?

You might be nodding right now, if this is you, nothing is wrong with you, infract you have superpowers, not you just have to learn how to thrive and grow with being an empath, learn how to say no, to recharge again.

Just like any other superhero, we learn that we have something special, we might not be too happy about it and then we start the training to become better at our special skill. I often think about Spiderman, when I write this. He doesn’t know how to handle his powers at first, he sticks to the walls, the papers, stumbles and fumbles around, but with time, he slowly learns how to use what he was given. Empaths might not be able to stick to walls, we do know that we have other abilities and it is just a matter of time before we get really good at living and thriving with our new learned skills.

Next week we will dive into what kind of types of empaths and intuitive skills each have, you might have more than one.

Love and light


What type of Empath am I?

What type of Empath am I?

At sidde stille…

At sidde stille…