Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Hormones in Harmony

Hormones in Harmony

So you found out that your hormones are out of sync. You have probably known this for some time. Maybe you didn’t know what was the course of what you were feeling, but now you know.  So what now?

In this blog post, I will give you some of my best advice on how to help keep your hormones in balance

Photo by : Inge Gottfredsen

Photo by : Inge Gottfredsen

Sometimes we dont know what we can do in our everyday life to become more in harmony with our hormones, but here are some simple things you can do. 
Remember as we say in Denmark:

“Little strokes fell great oaks” 

I was talking to a dear friend of mine the other night, it was one of the late night conversations, that I truly appreciate. There was chocolate and wine and we were talking about hormonal imbalances. Its actually quite simple to find out if your hormones are out of harmony. 
Check out this blog post for more:(link indsættes)

The 10 points below are advise on how to slowly get your body into balance and hormonel harmony again. Also practice patience, it might take some time for your body and mind to find its way back. Advise can never stand alone and if you think you have serious problems with your hormones, always consult with your doctor first. 



You don’t need to change everything in one day. YES its true, take little steps. When you are done with the shampoo, research on which new one could be good for you.
I can highly recommend these from: Grims Have:


Organic Food

Organic is the best, not that organic food contains more nutrients compared with non-organic. BUT there is less pesticides in organic food. So when you are done with the next bag of rice, flour, oatmeal…choose the organic ones.


New Clothes

This is tricky. We all need new clothes from time to time. And how can this help my hormones? There are different ways you can think, when it comes to clothes. I love recycling and buying second hand clothes, this helps the environment and is earth friendly.


Filter Your Water

We are mostly made of water, so what you drink is very important. Personally, I live in an area right now, where I can smell chlorine in the water. Even though the levels should be ok to drink, I still believe that drinking 3/4 L of water each day, everyday, chlorine can’t be good for you. Also chlorine is an acid, which means you are filling your body with acid. Being in an imbalance or disharmony, acid doesn’t help, it makes it worse. Filter your water 


Hygiene Products

Lets talk about periods. Hygiene products are one of the biggest waste items found in water. And not forgetting that the sensitive skin in that area, deserves the best care. Hygiene products are usually filled with problematic ..... that will disturb your hormones. We deserve better. The underwear made today for periods, are really great. Personally I use reusable pads and to secure and protect, period panties. Yes, it’s a bit expensive to start with, but in the long run, you save money and the earth is happy. Use what you have and start slow, getting to know what you prefer and what is best for your periods. 



Your skin is the biggest organ. It covers your whole body. What do put on it? Lotions? Every day? Facial care, hand and foot lotion. Scrubs, face masks, all things that can make your hormones go a little crazy. Change little by little. One great advice though is, coconut oil. You can use this for almost everything. Shaving, removing makeup, overnight hair masks, for the whole body and it’s so safe that you can eat it.


Plastic Razors

YES, they also contain elements that can disturb your hormones. And the thing is, we use them directly under our arms, close to a lot of lymph nodes. They also get kind of disgusting after being used. I just changed mine to this: ........... you can get it on amazon. I’m really exited to try it. This is a big money safer also. The new blades only costs 3 dkr, less than 50 cent. 


Reduce Stress

YES, stress has a major impact on your hormones. Sometimes we experience stress for a short period of time, that ok, your body can handle this. But longer periods with stress is actually really harmful to hormones. Without going too much into details, the cortisol is a very selfish hormones and it “feeds” or steals from the hormonal “chain”. All the way down to your progestosterone, and it can have serious “side effects” on your hormones. 


How to Reduce Stress

It is easier said than done right? Most of us know it, some of us get effected very easy, others can be mentally overloaded all the time with no problems. Calm down, just doesn’t do the trick. But meditation and yoga often help and its proven that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, increase your memory, lower blod pressure, reduce angers and many many other benefits. There are a lot of great apps for meditation and the best thing is that most of them are free. 



Does sleep really affect my hormones, YES. The lack of sleep can affect a lot of things in your body, one of them being your weight. If your weight and sleep is out of balance, so is the rest of your body. Sleep in a dark room, leave your phone outside the room. Get 6/8 hour per night or more if you need it. Sleep effects your insulin level is increased (due to short-term insulin resistance) so you store more fat. Here is a quick view over the effects lack of sleep can give you.

Sleeping more is definitely something that will help your balance a lot. If you have been in a period with a lot of stress you might need more sleep. Listen to what your body needs. 


Here is a quick view over the effects lack of sleep can give you.


Leptin is reduced so you eat more because there’s nothing telling you to stop.

Ghrelin is increased so you eat more because it’s telling you to do so.

Cortisol is increased so you eat more and use muscles for energy.

Human Growth Hormone is reduced so you store more glucose as fat. 


I truly hope you will find your way to hormones in harmony. 

With love 

∼ P ∼ 

Hvad sker der lige for hjernen.... (endnu en god grund til at lære at meditere)

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