Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Moon Harmony and the New Moon

Moon Harmony and the New Moon

So you might have been wondering, why Moon Harmony?

I loved the process of finding a name for my business, at first I was actually looking for a name that would represent the female cycle. I was studying Natural Hormonal Therapy for 2 years and I wanted the name to still have a sound of Yoga to it. I wanted, balance, harmony, cycles, hormones, rhythms, natural, yoga and meditation in one. It was hard… It ended on Moon Harmony, because of the Moon. I think people on earth always have been attracted to the Moon, we look up to the Moon and we feel an effect of the cycles of the Moon. The Moon phases are like the cycles in life, we go through them over and over again. We try to find balance and Harmony in life, while we are going through these phases and cycles. Some of the ways we can find balance and harmony are by practicing Yoga and Meditation.

This is why I ended on Moon Harmony, it represents everything I wanted in a name for my business… I'm now working on Moon Mugs for my cacao ceremonies and it is so much fun. I truly hope you will get to join me one for the Yin yoga or cacao.

The New Moon,

This new moon is new moon in cancer. The new moons brings in reflections, resets and new intentions. When I first thought about the new moon, I thought, this might be a time where people are more out to go do the things, to get the new intensions out there, but I have learned that it is actually a time where people are more introverted and reflecting about the new things to come. The energy is a little lower. There is also no sunlight on the moon, we can’t see the moon, because it is dark. Yin is really good for the new moon, there is longer holds, time to reset and also reflect over certain poses or the intensions you want to set.

Here is some things you can think about with the new moon in general

What do you need / want more of in life?

What intentions do you want to set?

What do you need to nurture more?

This new moon is like written before in cancer. Cancer is a water sign, here we are working more with the intuitive side, the feelings, the more empathic side and this might bring out some challenges for the extra Empatic person, who just need to go even deeper and be more alone in these days. I can only talk for myself and I really need this alone time right now.

Do you feel the New Moon?

Happy New Moon in Cancer

Love and Light


Memories from Thailand and my first 200 hours of Yoga Teacher training

The Logo came to life after many hours of reflecting on how it was going to be.

It is showing a hand holding the Moon. I provide Reiki, Yin yoga and meditation, for me it reflects all of it in one. Plus the mountains in the back for Colorado

Yoga and tinnitus

Yoga and tinnitus

Benefits of practicing Yin Yoga

Benefits of practicing Yin Yoga