Breathe, balance, be.

With this page I wish to inspire and spare my passion for yoga and meditation.

Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao

Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao

For the longest time I wasn’t sure why I felt so connected to ceremonial cacao and its magical story. I have been attracted to the story of cacao, the gods and goddesses for many years now and I have only grown a deeper and more curious connection with the story and the taste of cacao. When I first started to learn about cacao I was traveling through Thailand and Bali, I was on my own inner healing journey. My first taste was at an Ecstatic dance ceremony in Thailand and I had the best time of my life. We were dancing for hours, drinking cacao, and just being. When I arrived home to the cold north Greenland I immidiately started to search for more information about cacao and I found Camille Namaste in Denmark, who had the same interest and connection to cacao, if not deeper.

What is cacao? When you hear the word, cacao or cocoa, you might already have thoughts that goes to something warm and cozy. Nothing is better then sipping a hot cacao on a cod winter day. Cacao is much more then a regular chocolate bar, it is actually a fruit and it have so many nutritional benefits when you get the raw product.

Why ceremonial cacao? Ceremonial cacao has been treated the original way and isn’t stripped from the nutrients. It is prepared and cultivated in the traditional way, so it keeps the spirit of cacao and the health benefits, so it can be used for a ceremony.

Ceremonial cacao has several benefits and I will list some of them here.

Cacao contains Theobromine, it is actually a bronchodilator and it also causes relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle. In other words, then used for meditation purpose, cacao might be able to help your body to relax, so you mentally can concentrate deeper and dive into meditation longer. In the spiritual community it is said that cacao is a heart opener, due to the fact that it relaxes the vascular smooth muscle.

Longer meditation, when we get time to sit for longer meditations, and time for yourself, we might experience that cacao can provide an open door to answers within. This might lead to inner healing, with inner healing of ourselves we will heal our surroundings and become better humans.

Inner peace, I find rituals and routines a really beneficial way of treating stressors in my everyday life. Implementing drinking ceremonial cacao in my everyday life have made my mood better and uplifted my spirit life. I love my cacao ceremonies and I love the quiet moments with cacao at home. Im love exploring the story of cacao and each day I seem to get to connect even deeper with this magical fruit.

Making cacao drinking a ritual in our every day lives, is not only a very tasty treat, but it can help, guide and provide more awareness and open to the things that helps you in the right direction.

What we often forget in our every day lives, is taking the time to connect, with this I mean connect with our inner world. With time, we loose touch and we might even feel scared of feelings. Then with time we loose the sense of what a feeling is, how it effects us and we drift away into reacting to everything. With setting intentions and having cacao as a guide, we might be able to find this connection again.

Set time for yourself and let cacao be your guide in 2023…

Love and Light,


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